To find out why Heather did it, read her narrative.
In 2007, at my mothers suggestion, I tried yoga for the first time. She had high hopes that it would alleviate my migraine headaches , and she was right. Much more than just pain relief was added to my life as a result of this discovery.
I'll admit I was bored at first. Prior to doing Yoga, I had doubts about its suitability to my fast and active lifestyle. Absolutely wrong, as it turns out. You don't have to be flexible to do yoga.

My Yoga Practice and Decision to Become a Teacher:
I had a busy life, like most people. I was completely overworked as a mother of three small boys and wife of a busy business owner. Yoga gave me a safe space to focus on my personal growth and healing apart from my roles as a wife and mother. Something deep within me began to shift in the way I thought about my life.
In 2008, after completing Sumits 30 Days of Yoga Challenge, I made up my mind to enroll in the Sumits 200 Hours Yoga 9 Weekends Teacher training program. I decided early on that I would not be a teacher. I felt Sumits Yoga was the place to go to learn about Yoga as a whole.I love being a student and didn't want to change that. As I felt if I taught then it would take away from my Yoga practice. The practice of yoga satisfied a longing deep within me.
However, after starting the program, I never stopped. While I have taken up teaching, it is from the perspective of my own inner growth that I write this.
When I first started, I had no idea how much I would learn and how far my career in education would take me. You've probably heard that there's more to yoga than just the poses. But what does that imply for one's own development and change?
I remember Sumit asking us in Yoga teacher training - is it better to receive Love or to share the Love? Same way we are blessed to receive the love of our Yoga practise and it would be selfish not to share it ..Right ? If you don't intend to become a Yoga instructor, there's no use in taking the program. This is why: I let go of being so intense all the time. Still driven and goal-oriented, I no longer overwhelm myself with a never-ending list of things to do. The things I do, the person I am, and the reason I am here all complement one another. I've found that yoga has helped me and still is. Now, more than ever, I have faith in my own abilities. I struggled my whole life with low self-esteem. Throughout the program, I gained confidence and self-worth that has stayed with me to this day. Finding my value led me to examine my life more closely. I finally figured out what makes me happy and what matters most in life, and I abandoned everything else. When I am having doubts about my existence, I still turn to yoga. I finally realized why I was here thanks to yoga. As I grew to understand myself better, I acquired clarity on my life's purpose. The form may change, but the core concept remains the same. That was something Yoga offered me, and still does. Now, more than ever, I have faith in the world around me. Nowadays, I have few instances of doubt and worry. I'm sure everything will work out for the best. Just because it doesn't look exactly like I pictured it doesn't imply it's awful. It's just not the same. Yoga's lessons serve as a constant reminder of this to me. As I look back at my life and all that has transpired, I have Sumits Yoga to thank for that. The education I received as a teacher has equipped me with all I need to have a fantastic life. I'm glad I made the decision to become a Teacher and now have the privilege of assisting the education of others. Whether or not they go into teaching, I can see what a life-changing experience it is for them. Now, more than ever, my life is full of joy. Every day, I get to make a difference by doing work I enjoy and contributing to the world in a meaningful way. If you are on the fence about enrolling in Yoga Teacher Training, I hope this article helps you make up your mind. Is it time for you to devote yourself to something amazing? Heartfelt Greetings