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The Dance of Masculine and Feminine


Have you ever wondered how the balance of masculine and feminine energies plays out in your life? 

There’s so much talk these days about these energies—how we’re often taught to be one-sided in how we engage with the world. I believe there’s a lot of truth in that. When we’re dominated by our masculine side, we tend to be overly rational and stoic, often suppressing our feelings. This can leave our feminine side—our deeper, creative, and receptive energies—struggling to find expression. Eventually, these stifled energies may burst out in unexpected ways, sometimes explosively.

It’s no surprise that those who are more contained and guarded, whether male or female, can find intuitive and expressive people intimidating. On the flip side, those who are more in tune with their emotions may find the unexpressive stifling. We tend to find ourselves drawn to our opposites, creating a dynamic where the quiet are fascinated by the passionate, and the still are intrigued by those who spin with energy. This is part of life’s rhythm—opposites attracting, balancing, and sometimes clashing.

But this isn’t just about how we interact with others; it’s also about the struggle within ourselves. My own experience as a yoga studio owner has been quite telling. As a man in a space predominantly filled with female yoga teachers and students, I found myself constantly balancing these masculine and feminine energies. On one hand, I was the decisive, action-oriented leader, focused on the practical aspects of running a business. But I was also surrounded by individuals who were deeply in touch with their intuitive, nurturing, and expressive sides.

This environment pushed me to tap into my own feminine energy—to be more receptive, more in tune with emotions, and more connected to the creative flow that yoga embodies. Yet, I was also well-trained to be practical, to not linger in my feelings for too long. I was taught to act, not to dwell.

Over time, I began to see the value in integrating these energies. Rather than solely relying on understanding and naming things from a distance, I started to focus on experiencing and feeling them. Where I once framed and articulated things from a detached perspective, I now embrace and absorb what’s in front of me.

This shift has been profound. We’ve all been conditioned, from childhood, to approach life in a more masculine way—detached, analytical, and often devoid of passion. But this approach can leave us dry, missing out on the richness of life. It’s the difference between painting a bird and actually flying, between understanding the mechanics of love and feeling your heart race with emotion.

Too often, under the guise of being mature and prepared, we’re seduced into watching life instead of living it, into naming our emotions instead of feeling them, into understanding rather than experiencing. Yet, just as two hands cup water to bring it to our lips, we need both masculine and feminine energies to drink fully from life.

So, what about you? 

How are these energies balanced in your life?

Are you more in touch with your masculine or feminine side, or have you found a way to harmonize the two?

What would happen if you allowed both energies to guide you, not just in understanding, but in truly experiencing life?


Sumit Banerjee


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Sumits Yoga Scottsdale

10405 E McDowell Mountain Ranch Road Suite 130

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

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